
cYMStatus (firefox extension)

cYMStatus (was YMStatus) is a Mozilla & Firefox extension allow change Yahoo! Messenger status
with the current document's address and its title and/or the current selection.

cYMStatus adds a new menu entry to the context menu (right-click menu).
cYMStatus comes with three entries:
- URL + Title (set status with the current document's title and its URL)
- URL + Selection (set status with the current selection and the URL of the current document)
- URL + Title + Selection (set status with the current document's title, followed by the selected text and the URL of the document)
- Link (set status with selected link url followed by the link title)
- Autoset yahoo messenger status when page loaded or activate
WARNING: be careful using Autoset features, coz it will show all your visited pages (even the private page)
v0.3.0 20051120(status pending approval by mozilla team)
+rename to cYMStatus
+disable set ym for first time to my site
+FIX: 'set link+title', now its set link and title link
+remove context menu on edit menu
v0.2.0 20051018
+ Features: autoset, autoset status when the page
loaded or activate+ FIX: the first click no effect
v0.1.0 20051007
+ initial version released

dowload @ mozilla

this work based on: CopyURL+ Extension

Gage (contribute yahoofox logo)

Get Firefox!


Google Analytics Hack

Recently Google has lunch new service
Google Analytics, a free web analyzer. I like the design on showing its stats,
show in chart, with flash make it more interest. Unfortunately, it’s cannot show up in the Firefox 1.5, but in IE it's run correctly.
We can use its flash movie for our website, its very simple, the flash movie load the data from the flashVars variable that we given into object tag.
To using the flash movie here the steps:

1. Download the flash movie from google analytic site

there are 2 kind graph, a common graph (bar, line) and the map overlay that mapping the data into map,
each kind has the normal size and the mini one

2. Insert flash movie into your page using object tag, you can use hotlink into flash movie on Google analytics site

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" style="" codebase="https://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0"
id="UrchinGraph3" align="middle" height="225" width="350" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"/>
<param name="movie" value="UrchinGraphMini.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high"/>
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/>
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
<embed style="visibility: hidden ! important;" adblockframename="adblock-frame-n9"
adblockframedobject2="true" src="UrchinGraphMini.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"
wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
flashvars="ntitle=Sources&amp;toggle=Show%20All|Hide%20All&vtitle=Visits&amp;cnames=&amp;datatype=20&amp;rtitle=Visits by Source&amp;fsize=0&amp;gtypes=pie&amp;total=1254&amp;uloc=us|$|0|2&amp;xdata=google\t901\n(direct)\t211\nyahoo\t84\ngoogle.co.id\t9\nmsn\t8\n" align="middle" height="225" width="350" />

3. Insert the flashvars, there two option to include the flashvars, for IE and non IE.

For IE the flashvars insert into tag object with tag param as new key, and for non IE: insert the flashVars into tag embed as new attribute.
<param name="flashvars" value=""/>
and non IE
<embed flashvars="..data.."/>

flashvars Format and Variables

we given variables into flash movie with these rule:
each variable separate with string &ampl (a escape symbol for &)


The variables to control the urchinGraph such
gtypes : graph type, you can use multiple type, the type of graph are: line, bar, mline (multi line), pie, fun, hbar (horizontal bar)
xdata : data itself, the format: each rows separate by \n and each column separate by \t
toptitle : top title of graph
rtitle: sub title of grpah
ntitle: x-axis title
vtitle: vertical title, the y-axis title
vtitle2: vertical title, the 2nd y-axis title place on right side of graph
cname: columns name


it's my others blogger, currently im bloggin in bahasa at amadarum, here i will blogging in english, all my article, writing, etc in english will be published here.