
cYMStatus (firefox extension)

cYMStatus (was YMStatus) is a Mozilla & Firefox extension allow change Yahoo! Messenger status
with the current document's address and its title and/or the current selection.

cYMStatus adds a new menu entry to the context menu (right-click menu).
cYMStatus comes with three entries:
- URL + Title (set status with the current document's title and its URL)
- URL + Selection (set status with the current selection and the URL of the current document)
- URL + Title + Selection (set status with the current document's title, followed by the selected text and the URL of the document)
- Link (set status with selected link url followed by the link title)
- Autoset yahoo messenger status when page loaded or activate
WARNING: be careful using Autoset features, coz it will show all your visited pages (even the private page)
v0.3.0 20051120(status pending approval by mozilla team)
+rename to cYMStatus
+disable set ym for first time to my site
+FIX: 'set link+title', now its set link and title link
+remove context menu on edit menu
v0.2.0 20051018
+ Features: autoset, autoset status when the page
loaded or activate+ FIX: the first click no effect
v0.1.0 20051007
+ initial version released

dowload @ mozilla

this work based on: CopyURL+ Extension

Gage (contribute yahoofox logo)

Get Firefox!

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